The game of Mahjong dates back to the Middle Ages from China. Interestingly enough, even back then it was the most popular game, as it had no counterpart. It included both a kind of gambling and games for two or more people, and was considered a game to help develop logical skills.
«Mahjong» has survived to this day. Its most recent version is the game “Mahjong solo”, which is featured in various online casinos. This article details the main rules for playing Mahjong Solo, as well as provides guidelines for choosing a particular strategy.
At the beginning of the game, the player must necessarily get fourteen knuckles with different images, drawings and symbols. He has to find a pair of one knuckle in his hand out of the twenty four knuckles on the wall. You only get three tries to find one pair.
In Mahjong Solo, there are different types of knuckles:
There are four basic sets in the game of Mahjong, from which their combinations are already created:
In the classic game of ‘Mahjong’, the game ends when the player reaches the seven hundred point threshold. “Mahjong solo” is beloved because it’s much easier to win here.
Each player is given fourteen knuckles, one of which is sure to be demolished. The player then has to find a pair of one, of their own choosing, knuckles in three attempts. Immediately after guessing, the player can make a payout.
If a player plays the classical game “Mahjong solo”, then nothing depends on him. If he prefers the Pro version, however, he will have to use his brain to get a 98% return.